Virtual try-on with Reliby button

Your customers use the Virtual Try-On Button to try your glasses.

Button appearances and versatility

On mobile is easy, press the button and "bam!" Virtual Try-On, but the virtual try-on doesn't work on computers, so on PCs and Macs, the button shows a QR Code to scan their iPhones, and "bam!" Virtual Try-On, a seamless experience.

Button shapes


Not all websites are equal, an all of them have unique designs, that's why we designed a customizable button.

Here are your options:

  1. Color palette. Choose from different appearances:

    Be aware the button should be a highlight on your website, as costumers are more likely to buy if they VTO the glasses, and thus, they need to notice you have that technology available for them.

    • color for a white button with a beautiful gradient around. This is the default appearance, and should be used if possible.
    • black for a Black button.
    • yellow for a yellow button.
    • gray for a Grey button. Only over dark backgrounds, as doesn't have enough contrast over light ones.
    • pride we support the LGBTQ+ community, and we hope you do too, and thus you have a beautiful design, to let the world know!
  2. Shape. You can customize the shape of the button:

    • rounded creates a button with rounded corners (default one).
    • squared creates a button with perfectly squared corners.

Color and shape options

Further customization

Please do not try to customize the button, targeting our CSS classes. There are a few reasons why you should not do it:

How to add the button to your web

This section will guide you to add the button to your own web page.

This section is pretty generic, and requires some knowledge of the platform you are using as a point of sale (like Shopify or Squarespace), if you have problems please contact the Reliby team at and one of our engineers will help you solve it.

Specific guides

We also provide some guides on how to set up the button on some common services:

Step 1

Identify the source code (HTML) for your website template.

<!DOCTYPE html>
        <!-- This section contains some declarations used in your page -->
        <!-- This section contains the information and it's structure -->

Copy this text inside the head section (<head> HERE </head>)

<script src=""></script>

Step 2

Locate the source code (HTML) for the product pages you are using, this is were we will add the button. If you are using a visual editor, look for a RAW HTML container.

Now you have to decide inside the body where the button must be.

We suggest just below the buy button, so the users can see it, and not leave your site without knowing you offer Virtual Try-on.

And copy this code where you want the button to be:

<!-- You have to add this to your site where the button goes in the body -->
<div class="reliby-button-placeholder" id="reliby-model-id"></div>

Don't worry if you aren't seeing the button jet, just one more step to go.

Step 3

Now it is important to link each button to your glasses so the button knows which glasses to open in the app.

You will have to change each reliby-model-id with a unique ID provided by Reliby for each model. Reliby will provide you with an Excel file relating each model name, URL and reliby-model-id.

This is platform dependent, check the guides for each platform for more information.

Optional - Step 4

It's time to customize the button!

You can change the color and shape adding the fields data-variation and data-shape to the button html you inserted in Step 2.

With the values referenced in the appearance section.

<!-- This is a pride button with square corners -->
<div class="reliby-button-placeholder" id="reliby-model-id" data-variation="pride" data-shape="squared"></div>

That's all folks!

Once you completed these simple steps, you will be up and running.

Having problems? Let us know, we are here to help.